  • jumanji

Jumanji Refresh Eng Edition

RM 109.90
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Not to be confused with Jumanji.

Prop replica of the iconic Jumanji game featuring detailed sculpts and full graphic artwork both at the inside and outside. Rules and components have been included to make the prop replica actually playable. Note that the rules differ completely from those of the previously released board game.

The rules are relatively simple. You start with a Jumanji die which defines your action during a turn. The options are: rolling the dice for movement (in some cases against other players), collecting an additional life card (you start with three in your hand) or drafting a Jumanji card. The Jumanji cards can be both positive and negative and may lock a player on a certain space until being freed. All in all it concerns a game of chance based on dice rolling and card drafting.

Although the goal is to be the first player to reach the city of gold (Jumanji), this game is partly cooperative in that Jumanji wins when all players are locked on their space or have lost all of their lives.

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